July 07, 2024 | Rev. Loren McGrail

Lady Wisdom, Hochma in Hebrew, Sophia in Greek, was there from the beginning. She was there when the world began. She was there beside the Creator when the foundations of the earth were marked out, when the heavens were established.
She was there beside the Creator, as a master worker delighting and rejoicing in this inhabited place, in the human race itself. Lady Insight, as Eugene Petersen refers to her, is created not as a co-eternal aspect of the divine but part of the created order itself. She is a grand artisan who contributes decisively to the project. The relationship between Creator and Wisdom is one of deep and endless joy; both together rejoice in the world and in humanity that is known to be good. Therefore, we can find her in all of creation including our humble selves. If you look on your bulletin cover with picture of Michelangelo’s Creation, you will see God’s arm wrapped around her.
Lady Wisdom calls to us at the crossroads where she takes her stand. She is calling us to live our lives with truth and righteousness. You can find her in the streets, even in front of Rockefeller Center in New York City (see back of the bulletin). She is not limited to the church sanctuary but can be found in all of God’s creation. Do you hear her calling out?
Sister Joan Chittister in Wisdom: A Gift or a Task says, “Wisdom is life peeled and cored; it is attention and consciousness lived to the hilt---“no crooked talk, no wily ways.” Lady Wisdom wants a voice in our life for discernment longs to be heard. But how should we listen for her you might be wondering? With ears for truth and eyes toward beauty and delight is the answer given in our scripture passages this morning from the Book of Proverbs.
Water Brueggemann in reflecting on her role says, “Wisdom is the embodiment and agency of generative moral coherence in creation” which means the world has a moral order and it is ongoing, still in process…” To describe more of what he means by “generative moral coherence” he lists three kinds of relationships that Lady Wisdom calls us to hear and follow.
The first is to acknowledge that Wisdom has a particular relationship to the Creator as a master builder, as one who works beside and thus, is the first to express delight and joy. We follow Wisdom when we hear her call us to appreciate the beauty and order of creation itself and sing praises of thanksgiving.
The second relationship is to understand that all creatures, including us, are created in and through Wisdom. Wisdom dwells within each, in all not just some or those of our faith tradition. She calls to all thus, we are interconnected and mutually dependent on each other. “An injustice to one is an injustice to all, we are all tied together in a mutual garment of destiny,” said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The third relationship is that we humans are all bound to truth telling, to clearing our minds so we can see it, hear it, speak it. For as Peterson says in The Message, Lady Wisdom asks us to “Prefer my life disciplines over chasing money, and God knowledge over a lucrative career. For Wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth…”
Dear Ones, if “Wisdom is the embodiment and agency of generative moral coherence in creation” how are we aligned in our relationships with this reality?
Or are we still holding onto the idea of a fallen world categorized by evil and sin? What does it mean to replace original sin with original blessing, “a generative moral coherence?” These are heavy theological questions which demand our attention if indeed we wish to welcome Wisdom into our lives.
Another way to approach this is to look deeply at those relationships that Brueggemann names. I invite you to ponder these questions:
- How are your relationships to your fellow human creatures? Do have harmonious relationships with most or find it hard to connect with people, especially those different from you? Do you see the light of love and truth in them?
- How is your relationship to listening to and speaking out the truth? Can you hear it when it is being called out or coming from within? Are you willing to take the risk to speak on its behalf?
- What encourages you or stops you? Are you prepared for the cost for bearing the light?
Some say that Holy Wisdom became The Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Certainly, the Holy Spirit as the Advocate for truth seems apt. Others say she becomes the Christ, the logos, who was there in the beginning in the Gospel of John, that they are one and the same, or that Christ is Sophia incarnated. Centuries of theologians have spent much time and thought on these issues accusing at times those who disagree as heretics. I invite you to reflect about these interpretations not as a quest for the truth but as a journey for meaning.
Finally, Wisdom calls us to feast with her at her banquet. We are to come when we are confused about life and don’t know what’s going on. She has prepared a spread for us. Some say this heavenly meal on earth is similar to the Eucharist Meal we will soon share together.
Dear Ones, if indeed Wisdom is at the crossroads of our lives, what direction or action is she calling us to take today in our climate changed world? What challenging truth does she want us to hear in a world full of misinformation?
What words of wisdom does she want us to speak in a world where genocide is described as an escalation or a war; in a world where those in power speak lies to our face and then call them truth. Lady Wisdom calls us always in all times and places to seek the path of justice and to listen for the voices of truth when the world offers only confusion. And if Lady Wisdom has become the Holy Spirit, the advocate, who or what do we need to advocate for? Will she help us when we are tongue tied with fear? Can we count on her to light the way through this madness? Finally Dear Ones, if Wisdom dwells inside each of us, how are we go to manifest her?
Holy Wisdom, we acknowledge your partnership with Creator God; we share your delight in this beautiful world yet still struggle with believing that there is a “generative moral coherence” that we are called to participate in; that we are called to not only pick up our cross but also your torch. Finally, Holy Wisdom, we accept your invitation to come to your feast so that we may be filled, so we can become bread for others.