12/17/2023: Third Sunday of Advent: Joy
December 17, 2023
Mary Knew and Sang About It Luke 1:41-55 Rev. Loren McGrail Holmdel Community...
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome to worship with us in person or online. Worship is at the heart of our life together as a community. We gather to connect with God and to connect with one another. Your presence is what matters to us. This is one hour a week when you will be welcomed for who you are, not for what you do.
Mary Knew and Sang About It Luke 1:41-55 Rev. Loren McGrail Holmdel Community...
Stay Alert! Be Woke! Mark 13:24-37 Rev. Loren McGrail Holmdel Community United...