Adult Choir: The Adult Choir is directed by our Minister of Music, Susan Davies. It is open to all adults and youth in 7th grade and older. We welcome people of all skill levels. There are no auditions to join. The Adult Choir is active in worship services from September through June and meets for regular rehearsals in Fellowship Hall on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:00. Consider joining this welcoming, supportive, close-knit community.

Joyful Noisemakers: (Children’s Choir) At the beginning of our Sunday School time, the children all meet together to sing. With guidance from the Minister of Music, we use a combination of contemporary music, traditional songs, and child appropriate anthems. Periodically during the school year, the Joyful Noisemakers participate in the church service by singing some of the songs they have been working on. (Singing in church is always optional.)

Family Choir: Our informal Family Choir provides music during the summer. This group provides a more flexible opportunity for people who want to sing outside of the Adult Choir setting, requiring greater time commitment. Family Choir meets at 9:15 each Sunday morning and rehearses an easy song or two to sing that morning. Everyone reading age and older is welcome!

HUCC Finn: HUCC Finn is our church’s garage band that periodically participates in Sunday worship throughout the year. The band also offers a fun, free coffee house performance, and potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall once or twice a year.

Soloists and Small Groups: We encourage people to share their talents, and there are opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists throughout the year.