We have a longstanding commitment in providing learning opportunities to grow in knowledge and faith together. We offer weekly Bible Studies, Book Clubs, and Second Hour presentations by guest speakers (during Coffee Hour on Sundays) on diverse topics. Past Second Hour talks have included Climate Change and the history of Native Americans in New Jersey presented by a local First Nations member. Weekly Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 10 am. Book Clubs typically meet in the evenings via Zoom.


Sunday School Families begin worship together in the Sanctuary. After the Children’s Message has been given, children go to Sunday School. During the summer months, children are invited to attend Summer Sunday School. We have a more relaxed schedule but still have a bible focus each week and fun activities to help reinforce the message. Our middle and high schoolers have their own meeting during Sunday School and fun activities as well. We have a separate youth group meeting for grades 4+ that meets immediately after church once a month.


A communion service is held monthly. All are welcome to participate as the gluten-free bread and juice are shared. During 2nd Grade, children participate in Communion Education January-April on Communion Sundays, meeting with the Children’s Minister and other ministers in the congregation to learn more about our sacraments and explore how and why we observe Communion the way we do.


Confirmation is for 7th–9th-grade youth seeking to join the church and grow in their spiritual knowledge. We meet every other month during the school year and participate in faith formation, learning what that means, including opportunities to explore and question one’s faith formation journey, learn our faith’s history, learn what it means to belong to a church and to explore other faith practices in relation to ours. During the 2024-2025 school year, the class will meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm.